From Pyecombe Golf Club - Whats in a name

Created by rosie gallagher 7 years ago
Sadly, we say farewell to Dick McCarthy this week.

Dicky Plummer, a chum, and stalwart member of the Broken Spur writes...'We think that Dick McCarthy joined Pyecombe in the late 1970’s. At the time he was a member of the Sussex Yeomanry Golf Association which had very close links with Pyecombe with notable members of that time being Peter Chevalier, Ken Francombe and Sonny Chapman. Many older members may remember those names. I hold the minutes book of the Yeomanry GS from 1967 and Dick’s name appears in the Subscriptions Book from 1980. In 1983 the Yeomanry GS was wound up over non military personnel not being invited to join the Society. A group of members who could see that the GS would die out without changing this condition broke away and formed the Broken Spur Golf Society. Eventually several more of the Yeomanry GS joined the Spur. Dick McCarthy was appointed the first Captain of the Broken Spur GS and later served as Treasurer and Committee Member for many years. For the record, Dick has retained his status as a Sussex Yeoman and has kept close links with the Sussex Yeomanry Association ever since.

Dick was a good golfer, his lowest handicap being 9. He remained a Pyecombe member for many of the years since the late 70’s although he did move away from the area during some of his retirement years. In the Broken Spur he won most, if not all, of the Spur competition trophies and even last year he won 2 of our monthly meetings and the Master Golfer Trophy. I don’t think that he won any Pyecombe trophies but he was a popular, competitive and well respected member of the Golf Club and particularly so in the Broken Spur.
A funeral for Dick is to be held next Friday.
